EUROPACIFIC TUNA LTD is a provider of turnkey tuna farming systems. The company offers all equipment, process technology, skilled personnel, management expertise and marketing channels required for successful tuna farming operations.
EUROPACIFIC TUNA LTD is a multinational organization founded by Graeme Johnson of Tasmania, Australia and Raymond Dackerman of Louisiana, U.S.A.. Graeme Johnson is a pioneer in state-of-the-art tuna towing pen technology currently used by tuna farms in Australia, Mexico, Croatia, Spain, Malta, and other international locations. Raymond Dackerman is a leader in the U.S. floating offshore wind energy industry and pioneer in the fresh tuna industry in the Americas and Europe.
As an equipment and technology provider to each of the original southern bluefin tuna farms in Port Lincoln, Australia, Graeme Johnson has over 25 years' experience in developing the global tuna farming industry. As an exporter of fresh tuna caught in the Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico, Pacific, Caribbean, Mediterranean and Aegean Seas, Raymond Dackerman has over 25 years' experience marketing fresh tuna in the U.S.A., Japan, and other international locations.
EuroPacific Tuna Ltd promotes international tuna farming as a means to increase tuna industry efficiency and reduce tuna species exploitation. EUROPACIFIC TUNA LTD offers tuna farming technology to benefit local communities, stakeholders, staff, and investors. Ultimately, EuroPacific Tuna Ltd will participate in breeding programs to complete tuna species life cycles, which involve farming live tuna from hatching to spawning.